7 Joyful Movement Ideas That Will Make Exercise Exciting!

Discover joyful movement! From paddleboarding to puppy yoga, find activities that excite you and improve well-being. #joyfulmovement #funfitness #loveexercise



Have you ever found yourself dreading your workout? I certainly have. Sometimes, the thought of another monotonous routine can make exercise feel more like a chore than a joy. Can you relate? It’s no secret that many of us struggle with finding the motivation to exercise. Life gets busy, routines become stale, and before we know it, our fitness goals feel like distant dreams. But what if exercise didn’t have to feel this way? Enter joyful movement – activities that make you feel alive and excited to move.

For me, discovering joyful movement was a game-changer. When I started my weight loss journey, I quickly realised that forcing myself into workouts I hated wasn’t sustainable. The turning point came when I began to explore different types of exercise that I genuinely enjoyed. Whether it was dancing workouts, hiking in nature, or aerial hoop, finding activities that brought me joy made all the difference.

Joyful movement completely changed my approach to fitness, making it something I looked forward to rather than dreaded. This shift not only helped me lose over 80 pounds but also improved my overall well-being. So in this post, I want to give you some ideas to help you find your joyful movement!


joyful movement

Table of Contents

The Concept of Joyful Movement

So, what exactly is joyful movement? Simply put, it’s about finding ways to move your body that you genuinely enjoy. Instead of dragging yourself to the gym or forcing yourself through a workout you hate, joyful movement is all about activities that make you feel happy and excited.

It’s not about hitting a calorie target or getting a “perfect” body– it’s about celebrating what your body can do and having fun while doing it.


The perks of joyful movement go way beyond just getting fit:

  • Reduced Stress: When you do activities you love, your stress levels drop. Moving around releases those feel-good endorphins that make you feel on top of the world. (Laxmeshwar & Amarnatha, 2016) (Corazon et al., 2010) (Jin, 1992)
  • Improved Mood: Joyful movement can give you a big mood boost. When you’re having fun, it’s hard not to feel good. (Campion & Levita, 2014)
  • Better Adherence: When you enjoy your workouts, you’re way more likely to stick with them. No more dreading gym days or skipping workouts. When you love what you’re doing, consistency comes naturally.

For me, discovering joyful movement was like flipping a switch. During my weight loss journey, I realised that forcing myself into gruelling workouts I hated wasn’t going to work long-term.

Finding fun activities didn’t just help me lose over 80 pounds; they made the whole process enjoyable. I looked forward to moving my body instead of dreading it. That’s the magic of joyful movement – it transforms exercise from a burden into a joy!

workout burnout

7 Joyful Movement Ideas

1. Paddleboarding

I have always loved being in and around water, and discovering paddleboarding has been a game-changer for me, especially in the summer.

Paddleboarding is a great way to enjoy the water while getting a full-body workout. Whether you’re on a lake, river, or the ocean, standing on a paddleboard and paddling around can be so much fun, and relaxing!

Paddleboarding improves balance, core strength, and overall muscle tone. Being out on the water also provides a calming effect, reducing stress and improving your mood. It’s such a good way to soak up the sun and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Look for paddleboard rental shops or classes if you’re new to the activity. Start in calm waters to get the hang of balancing and paddling before venturing into more challenging water, like the sea.

nature hike joyful movement

2. Nature Walks or Hikes

I’ve always loved nature, and during my weight loss journey, this love grew even stronger. One of my proudest moments was hiking to the top of Mount Snowdon, a huge achievement considering my previous struggles with asthma.

Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature as you walk or hike at your own pace.

Being in nature has a calming effect, reducing stress and boosting your mood. Fresh air and natural scenery make the experience even more enjoyable. Plus, hiking is a great way to improve cardiovascular health and build endurance.

Bring a friend or a pet to make it even more fun. Try taking different routes each time to keep things fresh and exciting. Don’t forget to pack some water and snacks, and always check the weather before heading out. Stay safe!


puppy yoga

3. Puppy or Kitten Yoga

As a HUGE animal lover, especially when it comes to cats, I was so happy to find a kitten yoga studio near me. This unique class combines yoga with the joy of playing with adorable puppies or kittens.

Most of these studios offer sessions where animals roam freely as you flow through your yoga poses, creating an amazing experience.

The presence of animals can significantly reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness. Their playful antics add a joyful element to your workout, making it something to look forward to.

Make sure to find ethical studios that offer these classes. Check to see what happens to the animals afterwards—are they up for adoption, or is this part of their social training for future owners? Knowing that you’re supporting a good cause can make the experience even more rewarding.

two smiling women doing yoga pose

4. Aerial Hoop or Aerial Yoga

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed my aerial hoop classes! Challenge yourself with aerial hoop or aerial yoga, where you perform exercises while suspended in the air.

These activities require strength, flexibility, and balance, making for a fun and unique workout.

Aerial exercises improve core strength, coordination, and flexibility. It’s such a good way to push your boundaries and try something completely different.

Search for aerial studios near you that offer beginner classes. Don’t be intimidated; I couldn’t even get onto the hoop in my first two classes without help! Instructors will guide you through the basics and ensure your safety.

Wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing to allow for ease of movement and better grip on the apparatus. Some padding, like knee or thigh protectors, can also help as it can cause quite bad bruises at first!

5. Trampoline Workouts

Who didn’t love bouncing on a trampoline as a kid? Trampoline workouts, often called rebounding, are high-energy and a fun way to burn calories. Imagine combining the fun of childhood with the benefits of a great workout.

men's black leggings

Trampolining is a low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints, making it perfect for people of all fitness levels. It boosts cardiovascular health, enhances coordination, and strengthens your muscles, all while feeling like play.

Find a local trampoline park where you can join a class or simply enjoy some free bouncing time. If you prefer to exercise at home, invest in a small fitness trampoline.

Look up rebounding routines online to get started and keep things exciting. Remember to start slow and build up your endurance, and always wear comfortable, supportive footwear.

6. Rock Climbing or Bouldering

Test your strength and agility with rock climbing or bouldering. I’ll be honest—my first rock climbing class was really scary, and I wasn’t good at it. I ached all over afterward, but I kept going and gradually got better.

Climbing builds muscle strength, especially in the arms, legs, and core. It’s also a mentally stimulating activity that requires problem-solving and focus, making it a full-body workout for both your muscles and your mind.

woman in black tank top and black pants standing on dock during daytime

Visit a local climbing gym that offers beginner classes. Don’t be discouraged if you find it challenging at first; perseverance pays off. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes designed for climbing.

Listen to your instructors and practice safety techniques diligently. As you continue, you’ll see improvement and gain confidence.

7. Geocaching or Scavenger Hunts

I recently discovered geocaching, and it’s been such a fun new activity! It’s like a real-world treasure hunt using GPS to find hidden caches. I’ve started taking my seven-year-old niece with me, and she absolutely loves it!

It combines adventure and exercise, making it both mentally and physically stimulating. It’s perfect for exploring new areas and spending quality time together. Plus, it’s fun to see what you can find, and you can leave small things for the next person.

Use the geocaching app to get started. Or, for scavenger hunts, create a list of items or clues and enjoy the hunt with friends or family. It’s a great way to bond and discover new places together.

geocaching joyful movement


Tips for Incorporating Joyful Movement into Your Routine

Start Small

Starting small is key. You don’t need to jump into hour-long workouts right away. Start with manageable activities that fit easily into your day. The goal is to build a habit of moving your body in ways that feel good. As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of your activities.

Be Consistent

Consistency is important for making joyful movement a regular part of your life. Try to set a regular schedule that works for you. It might be a daily morning stretch, a mid-week hike, or a weekend paddleboarding session.

Whatever it is, make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Regularity helps turn these activities into habits, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself looking forward to them.

Listen to Your Body

Your body knows best, so listen to it. Pay attention to how you feel during and after your activities. If something feels too intense or causes any kind of pain, it’s okay to scale back.

Joyful movement should leave you feeling energised and happy, not drained or in pain! Adjust the intensity, try different activities, and remember that rest is also an important part of any fitness routine.

beginners running guide

Make it Social

Everything is more fun with friends or family! Invite them to join you in your joyful movement activities. Whether it’s a group hike, a dance party, or a friendly game of tennis, involving others can make the experience more fun.

Plus, having a workout buddy can boost motivation and accountability. Share the joy of movement and create lasting memories together!

Joyful Movement Ideas: Conclusion

Finding joyful movement was such an important turning point for me, turning exercise from something I dreaded to an activity I genuinely looked forward to.

The key is finding what makes you happy and excited to move, whether it’s paddleboarding on a sunny day, hiking through new trails, or enjoying the playful company of kittens during yoga.

I challenge you to commit to one joyful movement activity for a week! Choose something from the list or pick your own favorite. Try to do it consistently for a week and see how it makes you feel.

At the end of the week, come back and share your experience in the comments. Did it help reduce stress? Did you find yourself looking forward to it each day? Let’s support each other in making the movement fun and sustainable!

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