Can Eating Processed Food Really Make You Addicted?

Are you addicted to processed foods? Find out how processed foods can actually make you addicted and what you can do to break free from the habit. Get the facts now and take control of your health by avoiding processed foods.



Do you ever find yourself reaching for that bag of crisps or box of processed biscuits, only to feel like you can’t stop once you’ve started?

You’re not alone. A lot of ultra-processed foods have actually been designed to be addictive, and can even affect your brain chemistry. They could be altering your dopamine levels and making you crave them even more.

In this post, I wanted to explore the science behind processed food addiction, explore the risks involved with consuming these foods, and provide tips on how to break the cycle and adopt a healthier, more balanced diet.

What are processed foods?

Processed foods are those that have been modified or changed in some way from their original state. This can include adding preservatives, artificial flavours or colours, or other chemicals to extend their shelf life and improve their taste. Essentially, any food that has been altered from the way it was found in nature is considered processed. This includes everything from snack foods and frozen meals to deli meats and sugary drinks.

Not all processed foods are created equal, however. While some may be relatively harmless and necessary for preservation, like frozen or tinned fruits and vegetables, others can have a significant impact on our health. Highly processed foods, in particular, tend to be high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, and low in essential nutrients. These types of foods are often referred to as “ultra-processed” and are associated with a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions.

Understanding what processed foods are and how they can impact our health is an important first step in taking control of our diets. By learning to recognize these foods and making more conscious choices about what we eat, we can reduce our risk of addiction and improve our overall wellness.

Quick Read:

  • Processed foods are any foods which have been modified from their natural state
  • There are different processing levels of food, from simply being frozen to being ultra-processed
  • Minimally processed foods are often necessary for preservation and still hold all their nutrients
  • Ultra-processed foods can have a negative impact on our health when over-consumed

How do processed foods affect your brain?

Processed foods have become a staple in the modern diet, but do we fully understand how they impact our bodies? In particular, how do they affect our brains? Research has shown that highly processed foods can have a negative impact on our brain and our mental health.

When we eat processed foods, our brains release a surge of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This dopamine release can create a cycle of cravings and addiction to these foods, leading to overconsumption and potential health problems. Because this is exactly how they have been designed, the the levels of saltiness, sweetness, and richness are adjusted and tweaked to reach the “bliss-point”.

Moreover, the high levels of sugar and unhealthy fats found in many processed foods can disrupt our brain’s natural balance and lead to negative effects on our mental health. Studies have linked consumption of ultra-processed foods to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Understanding how processed foods affect our brain is crucial in breaking the addiction cycle and reducing our risk of chronic health conditions. It’s not just about only eating “healthy” or “clean” foods but recognizing the impact that processed foods can have on our overall health and wellbeing, to help us reduce our consumption of these.

Quick Read

  • Ultra-processed foods are often manufactured to cater to our reward hormone ‘Dopamine’, leaving us wanting more
  • Higher levels of sugar and fat disrupt our brains natural balance, increasing the risk of mental health disorders

What is dopamine and how does it relate to addiction?

Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain that plays a critical role in motivation, reward, and pleasure. It is released in response to pleasurable events, such as eating, and creates a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment. However, some processed foods have been found to trigger the release of dopamine in larger amounts than natural sources of pleasure. This can create a cycle of addiction, where individuals crave more of the processed foods to feel the same level of pleasure.

Excessive dopamine release can also lead to changes in the brain’s reward system, making it more difficult to experience pleasure from natural sources such as exercise or social interactions. This can contribute to a continued preference for processed foods, even when they are no longer pleasurable or satisfying.

Understanding the role that dopamine plays in addiction to processed foods can help individuals to break the cycle and reduce their consumption of these products.

  • Dopamine is responsible for feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation.
  • Certain processed foods trigger the release of dopamine
  • This can lead to an addiction cycle

How can you reduce your consumption of processed foods?

One way to break the cycle of addiction to processed foods is to reduce your consumption of these products. While this can be a difficult task, small changes can make a big difference. For example, it can be helpful to gradually replace processed foods with whole foods and home-cooked meals. This can help you improve your overall health and wellbeing, while also reducing your risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

In addition to making dietary changes, it can also be helpful to focus on more natural sources of pleasure. This can include engaging in physical activity, spending time outdoors, or practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. By finding healthier alternatives to processed foods and prioritizing natural sources of pleasure, you can reduce your dependence on processed foods and improve your overall quality of life.

Ultimately, reducing your consumption of processed foods is an important step towards achieving a healthy, balanced diet. Try the 80/20 approach, eat whole nutrient dense foods 80% of the time, and save the ultra processed stuff for the other 20% – you can still enjoy all food in moderation!

Quick Read:

  • Gradually reduce consumption of ultra-processed foods – try using the 80/20 approach!
  • Try some activities that naturally give you pleasure
  • Practice relaxion techniques

The importance of a healthy, balanced diet

Reducing your consumption of processed foods is not only beneficial for breaking the cycle of addiction but also for achieving a healthy, balanced diet. The importance of eating a balanced diet cannot be overstated. Consuming a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods is vital for our physical and mental health.

A balanced diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. These types of foods are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that support our immune system, aid in digestion, and promote brain health.

In contrast, processed foods are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, which can have negative effects on our health. They often provide very little nutrients, so by having these make up the majority of your diet, you could be lacking in some essential nutrients. Consuming too much of these foods can lead to weight gain, chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, and even mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

By prioritizing whole, nutritious foods, we can improve our overall quality of life. Eating a balanced diet also means being mindful of portion sizes and limiting our intake of unhealthy foods. This doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our favourite indulgences from time to time, but rather making them a small part of a larger, healthy diet.


In conclusion, the link between processed foods, dopamine, and addiction is a serious issue that deserves our attention. While it may be difficult to completely cut out these types of foods from our diets, we can take small steps towards reducing our consumption and adopting a healthier, balanced diet.

By understanding the impact of processed foods on our brain chemistry and overall health, we can make more informed choices about what we put into our bodies. Let’s strive towards a more wholesome and nourishing diet, and break free from the cycle of addiction that processed foods can perpetuate.

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