The 5 Self-Care Activities you ACTUALLY Need to Reset Your Life!

Feeling overwhelmed and need a reset? These 5 self-care activities will help you fill your cup and get back on track—because you can’t pour from an empty one! From quality sleep to joyful movement, these tips will help you transform your life, one small step at a time. #SelfCareActivities #MindfulLiving #JoyfulMovement


You know that moment when you feel like you’re spiralling and you can’t get your life together? Yeah, that feeling is a liar. You can reinvent yourself, you can hit the reset button, and you can drastically change your life. Whether you’re trying to kickstart a life makeover, tackle a 3-month self-improvement plan, or just feel like a functioning human again, self-care activities are a great place to start.

And no, I’m not talking about a bunch of skincare or candles you need to buy. I’m talking about the real, no-BS self-care that helps you turn your life around.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, right?

So, let’s fill that cup up with five self-care activities that’ll help you hit the reset button and get you back on track to becoming the badass you’re meant to be.

This post is part of my ‘Change Your Life’ series. The first post in this series is “How to Get Your Life Together in 3 Simple Steps and I highly recommend you check it out!

Table of Contents

Activity 1: Get Enough Sleep

First things first—sleep. You know you need it. You want to wake up refreshed, energised, and ready to get control of your life.

Then sleep is non-negotiable.

If you’re running on fumes, you’re not going to crush your goals.


I’m talking about more than just 7-9 hours. I’m talking about quality sleep—the kind where you wake up without hitting snooze six times.

That’s where some natural sleep remedies come in. Whether it’s a calming bedtime routine or a bit of herbal tea, setting yourself up for good sleep is going to make everything else feel a little less overwhelming.

Habits to Practice

Habit 1: Set a consistent bedtime. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Your body will adjust and reward you with better sleep quality.

Habit 2: Create a relaxing bedtime routine. Whether it’s dimming the lights, reading a book, or enjoying a cup of herbal tea, signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down.

Habit 3: Limit screen time before bed. Avoid screens 30-60 minutes before sleep to reduce exposure to blue light, which can mess with your circadian rhythm.

Not-so-fun fact about me: I suffered from postpartum depression (PPD) and postpartum insomnia after having a baby earlier this year, and sleep became something I truly started to value on a whole new level.

The sleepless nights hit hard, and I learned the importance of quality sleep the HARD way. It’s now something I prioritise because I know firsthand how much it affects everything else—your mood, your energy, your ability to handle the day.

Activity 2: Move Your Body Joyfully

Okay, next up—movement. Before you groan and roll your eyes, hear me out: exercise doesn’t have to suck.

In fact, joyful movement is where it’s at.

Find something you love, something that makes you feel alive. Dancing, swimming, yoga, hell—have a one-person dance party in your living room if that’s your jam.

The point is, moving your body should make you feel good, not like punishment.

You’re not just moving to hit a life improvement goal like losing 40 pounds—although if that’s on your list, I’m here for it.

You’re moving because it makes you feel strong, confident, and like you’re the one in control of your body. That’s a game-changer in itself.

Pick an activity you actually enjoy. The fun stuff sticks, and the more you enjoy it, the more likely it becomes a habit.

joyful movement move your body self-care

Habits to Practice

Habit 1: Schedule movement into your day. Whether it’s a walk, a yoga session, or a quick dance break, adding it to your calendar makes it a priority.

Habit 2: Keep it short and sweet. Start with just 10-15 minutes if you’re pressed for time. A little bit is better than nothing and still counts as joyful movement!

Habit 3: Mix it up! Try a new workout or activity each week to keep things fun and exciting, preventing workout boredom.

Looking for more ways to enjoy movement? Don’t miss my post on 7 Joyful Movement Ideas to discover fun, exciting ways to stay active and love every minute of it.

Activity 3: Nourish Your Body

You know what’s better than any diet fad? Actually nourishing your body. I’m not talking about a strict plan that leaves you hungry and grumpy by 3 pm.

I’m talking about giving your body what it needs—whole, nutrient-dense foods that keep you feeling good, focused, and energised.

Want to change your life?

It starts with how you fuel your body.

If you’re on a journey to reinvent yourself, especially through a 3-month challenge or a personal improvement plan, nutrition is your secret weapon.

Eating well isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling your best so you can crush your goals, whether that’s changing habits, improving your mood, or getting stronger.

Habits to Practice

Habit 1: Plan your meals. Take 10 minutes each week to plan out balanced meals and snacks that nourish and satisfy you.

Habit 2: Add more veggies to each meal. Sneak in an extra serving of greens by adding spinach to smoothies, soups, or sandwiches.

Habit 3: Stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you and aim for at least 2 litres of water a day to keep your body functioning at its best.

If nutrition feels overwhelming, I’ve got you covered. Take a look at Simplify Nutrition with These 5 Easy Tips for a no-nonsense approach to fuelling your body without the stress of strict diets

Activity 4: Practice Mindfulness

Let’s talk about your mind. If you’re constantly stressed, anxious, or feeling scattered, you’re not going to get anywhere.

That’s where mindfulness comes in.

I know to some people “mindfulness” is all woo-woo, but it’s not—it’s actually one of the simplest ways to keep your head in the game, especially if you’re trying to turn your life around.

Mindfulness, meditation, or even just taking a few minutes to breathe can completely reset your mental state.

If you’re on a journey to change your life in a year or working through a life change challenge, staying mentally grounded is key.

yoga self-care activities

Habits to Practice

Habit 1: Start a gratitude journal. Write down three things you’re grateful for each day to shift your mindset towards positivity.

Habit 2: Set an alarm for a mindfulness break. Take 5 minutes each day to breathe deeply and be present. Whether it’s during lunch or before bed, this time will help you reset mentally.

Habit 3: Use mindfulness apps. Apps like Headspace or Calm can guide you through short meditations and help you build a regular mindfulness practice.

If anxiety is holding you back, mindful practices can make a big difference. For practical techniques, check out my post on 3 Simple Ways to Respond to Anxiety to keep your mental game strong.

Activity 5: Schedule Downtime

Let’s be real—hustle culture is exhausting. You can’t run on full throttle 24/7 without crashing. That’s why scheduling downtime is so important.

And no, it’s not lazy.

It’s necessary.

Whether it’s bingeing Gilmore Girls (Again), reading, or just taking a nap, downtime is how you recharge so you can keep moving forward.

When you’re building a personal growth plan, rest is just as important as the hustle. You can’t do everything at once, and if you try, you’ll burn out.

Downtime helps you reset, refocus, and come back stronger.

Habits to Practice

Habit 1: Block out time for relaxation. Schedule downtime in your calendar just like you would for work or appointments, ensuring you take it seriously.

Habit 2: Pick a ‘wind-down’ activity. Whether it’s reading, painting, or bingeing your favourite show, choose an activity that helps you unwind and do it regularly.

Habit 3: Set boundaries. Learn to say no to extra commitments that could cut into your rest time. Protecting your downtime is key to maintaining balance.

Final Thoughts

Self-care is the foundation of any successful life transformation. It’s the key to unlocking your potential and setting yourself up for real, lasting change.

Whether you’re trying to start your life over, completely change your life, or just feel a little more like yourself again, these five self-care activities will help you get there.

This post is part of my ‘Change Your Life’ series. The next post in this series is “How To Create Habits That Stick”.

Further Resources


Sleep is a crucial component of self-care, with studies showing that prioritizing sleep can significantly improve mental health, energy levels, and overall functioning. Quality sleep is associated with better mood, cognitive functioning, and emotional regulation (Bible et al., 2017).

Physical activity, particularly when it is enjoyable, can enhance both mental and physical well-being. Exercise not only improves mood but also boosts self-esteem and helps in managing stress and anxiety (Sharma et al., 2022). Regular movement practices, even short sessions, positively impact overall health and help in stress management (Armstrong et al., 2023).

Proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining both mental and physical health. Eating nutrient-dense foods supports cognitive function, mood regulation, and energy levels. Studies highlight that balanced diets rich in whole foods can improve mood, reduce stress, and support long-term health (Levin & Idler, 1983).

Mindfulness practices, including meditation and gratitude journaling, have been shown to reduce stress, enhance emotional regulation, and improve overall well-being. Mindfulness techniques can also prevent burnout and foster mental resilience, making them key tools for anyone looking for self-care (Rudaz et al., 2017).

Downtime is essential for mental recovery and prevents burnout. Regular rest and relaxation, such as engaging in hobbies or spending time in nature, are proven methods to reduce stress and support mental health (Richards, 2004).

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