How I Changed My Life: A Story About Self-Confidence

Read an inspiring story about self-confidence. Learn how I lost weight, overcame challenges, and found new strength and happiness. #PPD #selflove #getinspired



Do you ever feel like self-confidence is something only a few lucky people are born with? It’s easy to look at confident people and think, “I could never be like that.” If so, I want to tell you a story about self-confidence!

Hi there! I’m Brooke, and a few years ago, I was in a place where self-confidence seemed like a distant dream. I struggled with my weight, and my self-esteem took a hit every time I looked in the mirror or tried on clothes that didn’t fit. At my heaviest, I weighed over 80 pounds more than I do today. During my journey, I realised that I was never going to wake up one day at the “perfect” weight and be happy, I had to start working on my self-confidence along the way.

In this post, I’m going to share how I learned to rewrite my narrative and discover a level of self-confidence I never thought possible. From the struggles and small victories to the habits and mindset shifts that made the difference, I hope my story will inspire you to start your journey towards self-confidence and a happier, healthier you.

A Story About Self-Confidence

Table of Contents

The Beginning: Struggles with Self-Confidence

Before my weight loss journey began, my life was a constant battle with self-doubt and insecurity. I often felt like I was living in a body that didn’t truly belong to me. Every day was a reminder of the limitations my weight imposed, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

Simple tasks like climbing stairs left me winded, and social situations filled me with anxiety. I avoided mirrors and photographs because I couldn’t bear to see the person staring back at me.

My struggles with self-confidence permeated every aspect of my life, from my job to my relationships. I often second-guessed myself, convinced that I wasn’t good enough or deserving of success and happiness. It was a painful, self-perpetuating cycle that seemed impossible to break.

But deep down, I knew I couldn’t continue living this way. Something had to change, and that realisation became the first step in my journey towards rewriting my narrative and reclaiming my self-confidence.

weight loss before and after

LEARN MORE ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY! > How I Lost Over 80lbs: Tips For Starting A Weight Loss Journey

The Turning Point: Deciding to Make a Change

It’s funny how a single moment can change everything. For me, the turning point in my weight loss journey came when my asthma reached an all-time low. I was only 29, yet my asthma was so severe that I was placed in a high-risk category during the pandemic lockdown.

As the world shut down, I found myself grappling with the harsh reality of my situation. Being young and still having so much I wanted to achieve, it was terrifying to know that my weight and health issues were putting me at an even greater risk.

The constant wheezing, the struggle to breathe, and the dependency on medication highlighted how much my lifestyle was impacting my quality of life.

Something had to change, and it had to change now.

This realisation became my catalyst for change. Unlike previous attempts motivated only by appearance, this time it was about health and quality of life. Up until that point, I had always felt stuck, overwhelmed by the amount of weight I needed to lose and the lifestyle changes required.

But, something had clicked.

Instead of viewing my weight loss journey as an insurmountable mountain, I had to start seeing it as a series of small, manageable steps. I didn’t have to change everything overnight, but I had to start somewhere.

Small Steps

I began to focus on what I could do each day to make a positive difference. I set small, achievable goals that I could achieve each day and feel happy with.

Each small success built my confidence and reinforced my belief that I could do this. It wasn’t just about losing weight; it was about creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that I could maintain long-term.

This new mindset made all the difference. I stopped being my own worst critic and started being my biggest cheerleader. I celebrated every small victory and learned to be kind to myself on the days when things didn’t go as planned.

Deciding to make a change wasn’t easy, but it was the best decision I ever made. It set me on a path to not only transform my body but also rebuild my self-confidence and reshape my entire life narrative.


The Journey: Building Self-Confidence Step by Step

Building self-confidence should be a key part of any weight loss journey. It’s important to work on your self-confidence throughout the process, rather than waiting for the end result.

Confidence isn’t something that magically appears after you hit your goal weight; it’s something you develop along the way, with every small step and victory.

Starting Out

a story about self-confidence

When I first started my weight loss journey, I knew I had to make significant changes and I initially tried to go my usual route – all-or-nothing.

I started out with the Keto diet, and while I saw initial success, I realised it wouldn’t work long-term. I quickly realised that the keto approach, though effective in the short term, wasn’t a sustainable solution for me.

It just didn’t fit the lifestyle change I was looking for. The strict rules and constant macro monitoring felt like a burden. I craved a more balanced and flexible way to approach my health. You can read more about this here!

I knew if I wanted to maintain my weight loss and continue losing weight, it couldn’t be about crash diets or anything extreme anymore. It had to be about making changes that stuck around and became a natural part of my everyday life.

Small Wins

body positivity affirmations

Celebrating victories, no matter how big or small along the way played a huge role in building my self-confidence. The first time I completed a 15-minute run was a massive milestone.

I remember the pride I felt when I was able to do my first push-up. These achievements were like fuel, igniting my motivation and boosting my confidence.

Tracking my progress was another powerful tool. I kept a journal where I recorded my goals, achievements, and how I felt. Seeing my progress on paper, no matter how small, helped me realise that I was capable of change.

Each new milestone and each new healthy habit adopted was a testament to my determination and growing confidence.


Of course, the journey wasn’t without its challenges. There were days when my asthma flared up, making it hard to stay active. There were times when I felt discouraged by slow progress or when I slipped back into old habits like emotional eating.

But instead of letting these setbacks derail me, I learned to view them as part of the process.

silhouette of man jumping on rocky mountain during sunset

Resilience and persistence became my mantras. Whenever I faced a challenge, I reminded myself of why I started. I leaned on my support system—friends, family, and my partner—who encouraged me and kept me accountable.

I celebrated my progress, no matter how small, and practiced self-compassion, understanding that setbacks were not failures but opportunities to learn and grow.

Building Confidence Along the Way

Working on self-confidence during the weight loss journey was crucial. I realised that confidence wasn’t something I had to wait for; it was something I could actively build every day.

By setting realistic goals, celebrating small wins, and showing myself kindness and patience, I gradually built a stronger sense of self-worth. This newfound confidence fuelled my journey, helping me to stay motivated and positive even when things got tough.

In the end, the journey was about more than just losing weight. It was about transforming my mindset, embracing a healthier lifestyle, and building the confidence to live my life to the fullest.

Each step, each challenge, and each victory brought me closer to the confident, empowered person I am today.

a story about self-confidence

Developing a Growth Mindset

One thing I’ve learned on my journey is how closely self-confidence and a growth mindset are linked. A growth mindset is something I talk a lot about on this blog.

It’s all about believing that you can improve and grow through effort and learning. It’s the idea that your abilities and intelligence can be developed over time.

When you adopt a growth mindset, you start to see challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles. This shift in thinking boosts your self-confidence because you’re no longer afraid of failure; instead, you see it as a part of the learning process.

Every time you try something new and push through difficulties, you prove to yourself that you’re capable of growth and change.

This boost in self-confidence then feeds back into your growth mindset. As you become more confident in your abilities, you’re more likely to take on new challenges and keep pushing your limits.

It’s a positive cycle where each small success builds your confidence, which in turn reinforces your belief in your potential to grow.

For example, when I started my weight loss journey, I had to really believe that I could change my habits and improve my health. No matter how many failed weight loss attempts I had in the past.


The Results: A New Narrative


weight loss transofrmation

Losing 80 pounds changed me both physically and emotionally. Physically, I felt like a new person. My asthma got much better, so I could breathe easier and do things I used to avoid.

I became stronger and fitter, and my cardio endurance improved, which made activities like hiking enjoyable. Climbing stairs or playing with my siblings’ kids no longer left me breathless.

I had more energy, slept better, and felt less pain. The changes in my fitness were truly amazing.

But the emotional transformation was even bigger. Through my achievements in fitness and healthy eating, I began to remove layers of self-doubt and insecurity that had weighed me down for years.

I started to see myself in a new light, recognising my strength, resilience, and ability to change. The joy I felt from achieving my goals radiated through every aspect of my life.

I noticed a shift in my relationships, too. With my newfound confidence, I was more open and engaged with others. I no longer hid in the background during events or felt embarrassed about my appearance.

I felt more present and connected, able to fully participate in and enjoy life’s moments.

a story of self-confidence

A New Chapter: Becoming a Mum

Trigger Warning: This section discusses postnatal depression (PPD).

Embracing Motherhood

Recently, I entered a new and wonderful chapter of my life: becoming a mum. My son is now five months old, and the experience of motherhood has brought immense joy and fulfilment.

However, this journey has also come with its own set of challenges, including dealing with severe postnatal depression, which significantly impacted my self-confidence.

Confidence and Postnatal Depression

Being a first-time mum, I faced the unexpected challenge of postnatal depression. The overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion made it extremely hard to enjoy the early months of motherhood.

It took a toll on my self-confidence and made the daily responsibilities of being a mum even more difficult.

My self-confidence took a big hit, but after getting help from midwives, and my doctor, and starting medication, I began to build on the foundations I had already laid during my journey.

I reminded myself of my strength and resilience, even on the days when I felt at my lowest.

This journey taught me the importance of self-compassion and seeking help when needed, whether through talking to loved ones or professional support.

Body Changes

The self-confidence I had built during my journey became crucial. I gained some weight during pregnancy, and the medication for postnatal depression, which increased my appetite, caused me to gain weight postnatally as well.

Because I had learned to be happier in my body before losing weight, this additional weight didn’t hit me as hard as it could have.

I have continued to practice small, healthy habits, and the weight has started to come off again. However, my routine looks a bit different now with the new addition of a baby.

Finding time for exercise and healthy eating requires more planning and flexibility, but the foundations I laid during my weight loss journey have helped me stay on track.

beginners running guide

Maintaining a Positive Mindset

The journey of becoming a mother has reinforced the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and practising self-compassion.

I’ve had to be patient with myself, acknowledging that it’s okay to struggle and that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

The self-care habits I developed before have been essential in managing my mental health and staying grounded.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and mindful breathing, have helped me stay present and reduce anxiety. I also found that getting back into joyful movement, even in small, manageable ways, greatly improved my mood and energy levels.

These practices have been vital in helping me cope with postnatal depression and regain my self-confidence.

Body Positivity Affirmations

Strength for a New Role

The physical strength I gained from weight training and regular exercise has been invaluable as a new mum. From carrying my son to enduring sleepless nights, my body is now more capable and resilient.

The stamina and energy levels I developed have made it easier to keep up with the demands of motherhood, allowing me to be more present and engaged with my little one.

Moving Forward

As I continue to grow in my role as a mother, I remain committed to the principles that have guided me thus far: embracing joyful movement, practising mindfulness, and maintaining a positive mindset.

The journey doesn’t end with reaching a goal weight; it evolves with each new challenge and opportunity life presents.

Help and Support

If you or someone you know is struggling with postnatal depression, I strongly encourage you to reach out to the PANDAS Foundation. They understand what you’re going through and are there to help.

Their support made a huge difference for me, helping me reach out to my doctor, and giving me someone to talk to, I found their WhatsApp function particularly helpful, as I am not a phone call person!

Or, if you simply feel moved and want to help other parents going through similar struggles, consider donating to the PANDAS Foundation. Your support can make a real difference in the lives of many families.

You can find more information and support on their website: PANDAS Foundation

three women walking on brown wooden dock near high rise building during daytime

Self-Confidence Today

Today, I’m really proud of the journey I’ve been on and the person I’ve become. I don’t see challenges as huge obstacles anymore but as chances to grow and learn.

This change in perspective has helped me set and achieve new goals, in all aspects of my life.

Looking back, the difference in how I feel about myself is like night and day. I used to be stuck in a cycle of self-criticism and doubt. Now, I wake up each day feeling optimistic and confident.

I trust my abilities and know my worth, no matter what the scale says.

This journey taught me that self-confidence isn’t just about how you look; it’s about how you feel and how you see yourself.

It’s built through small victories, consistent effort, and a positive mindset. By rewriting my narrative, I’ve learned to embrace my strengths, accept my imperfections, and celebrate my achievements.

studies on growth mindset and active mindset

Losing 80 pounds changed my life, but gaining self-confidence really transformed my world. Even dealing with postnatal depression and the weight gain that came with pregnancy and medication, I’ve been able to stay positive and keep moving forward.


Building Self-Confidence: Key Points of Advice

Work on Self-Confidence Early: Start building your self-confidence and improving your self-image right from the start. Don’t wait until you hit your goal weight to feel good about yourself. You’re not going to wake up one day at the “perfect” weight and suddenly be happy. Confidence and happiness come from within, not just from the number on the scale.

Set Small, Achievable Goals: Break down your big goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate each small win to stay motivated and positive.

Joyful Movement: Find physical activities you enjoy. Exercise shouldn’t feel like a chore. It feels amazing to see yourself getting stronger, fitter, and improving over time!

Be Kind to Yourself: Practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. Setbacks are part of the journey and don’t define your progress.

Build a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or online communities. Sharing your journey with others can provide encouragement, accountability, and motivation.

Celebrate Non-Scale Victories: Focus on positive changes that aren’t related to the scale, like increased energy, better sleep, improved mood, and better physical abilities.

Embrace the Journey: Remember, the journey to self-confidence and well-being is ongoing. It’s about creating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that supports your goals and happiness, not just reaching a specific weight.

motivation quote

A Story About Self-Confidence: Conclusion

My journey to self-confidence has been filled with ups and downs, from struggling with weight and self-doubt to finding strength and joy in movement and navigating the challenges of postnatal depression as a new mum.

Each step of the way, I learned that building self-confidence is not about reaching a certain weight or achieving perfection. It’s about embracing who you are, celebrating your progress, and being kind to yourself, even on the toughest days.

If you’re struggling with your own self-confidence, I want you to know that change is possible. Start with small steps, celebrate your victories, and remember that setbacks are part of the process.

Surround yourself with supportive people, and don’t be afraid to seek help when you need it. Most importantly, believe in yourself and your ability to create a life filled with strength, joy, and purpose.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you. I hope it inspires you to embark on your own journey towards self-confidence and well-being. You’ve got this!

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