How to Start a Fitness Journey and Stick to It

Discover how to start a fitness journey and stick to it with practical steps, motivation, and tips. With clear goals and a balanced plan. #bossyourgoals #getfit


Have you ever felt that mix of excitement and nervousness when thinking about how to start a fitness journey? It’s like standing at the edge of a new adventure, right? You can almost feel the potential for transformation, but there’s also that little voice whispering, “Can I stick with it this time?”

I get it. When I first decided to start my fitness journey, I was right there with you. I remember feeling both thrilled and a bit overwhelmed. I had no idea where to begin or how to keep going without losing steam. But guess what? I did it, and now I’m here to help you do the same!

In this post ‘How to Start a Fitness Journey and Stick to It’, I’m going to share some practical steps and motivational tips to get you started and keep you on track. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to get back into a routine, these tips are designed to help you make lasting changes.

how to start a fitness journey

Table of Contents

Step 1: Set Clear and Realistic Goals

This is the most important step when it comes to how to start a fitness journey on the right foot: setting clear and realistic goals. Clear, because you need to know what you want, otherwise it’s like setting out on a road trip without a destination in mind – you’d just be wandering aimlessly. Realistic, because you also wouldn’t set out on that journey expecting to do three hundred miles in two hours. The same goes for your fitness journey, so you need to know where you’re headed and why.

Define Your Why

First things first, let’s figure out your “why.” Why do you want to start this journey? Is it to feel more energetic, to fit into those old jeans, or maybe to boost your mental health? Knowing your why will keep you motivated, especially on those tough days when skipping a workout seems tempting. This is your intrinsic motivation, and this is what drives you.

Check out my post ‘Examples Of Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivation: What Drives You?‘ to learn more about intrinsic motivation!


Now, let’s talk about how to start a fitness journey with SMART goals. This isn’t just some fancy acronym; it’s a game-changer. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. So, lets break it down:

Specific: Instead of saying, “I want to get fit,” try “I want to run a 5k without stopping.”

Measurable: Add a way to track your progress. For example, “I want to run a 5k in 30 minutes.”

Achievable: Be realistic. If you’ve never run before, don’t aim to run a marathon next month.

Relevant: Make sure your goal matters to you. It should align with your why.

Time-bound: Set a deadline. For instance, “I want to run a 5k in 30 minutes within 3 months.”


Need some inspiration? Here are a few good fitness goals:

“I want to go to the gym three times a week for the next two months.”

“I’ll aim to lose 10 pounds in the next three months by eating healthier and exercising.”

“I want to be able to do 20 push-ups in a row by the end of the month.”

Setting these goals is like creating a roadmap for your fitness journey. You’ll know exactly where you’re going and how to get there. Plus, checking off these milestones along the way will give you that sweet sense of accomplishment.

joyful movement

Step 2: Create a Plan

Now that you’ve got your goals set, it’s time to create a plan. Think of this as your fitness journey blueprint. A good plan makes the difference between wandering aimlessly and making steady progress.

Schedule Workouts

Consistency is key! Just like you schedule meetings or coffee dates, block out time for your workouts. Whether it’s early mornings, during lunch breaks, or evenings, find a time that works best for you and stick to it. Put it in your calendar as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself!


A well-rounded fitness plan includes a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Cardio: Activities like running, cycling, or dancing to get your heart rate up.

Strength Training: Using weights or bodyweight exercises to build muscle.

Flexibility: Yoga, stretching, or Pilates to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.

Aim to mix these up throughout the week. For example, you might do cardio on Mondays and Wednesdays, strength training on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a flexibility workout on Fridays. Or you can incorporate a bit of each in one workout, i.e. starting with cardio, followed by strength training and then some stretching to finish off.

Rest Days

Don’t forget to schedule rest days! Your body needs time to recover and grow stronger. Without rest, you risk burnout and injury. Listen to your body – if you’re feeling sore or exhausted, it’s okay to take it easy.

Creating this balanced plan will help you avoid overworking any one part of your body and keep your workouts interesting. Remember, the best plan is one you can stick to, so make it enjoyable and flexible. And hey, if life throws a curveball and you miss a workout, it’s not the end of the world. Just get back on track the next day! It’s not all-or-nothing, it’s about building up the habit of exercise. Learn more about all-or-nothing thinking in my post ‘All-Or-Nothing Thinking: How It’s Ruining Your Weight Loss Goals‘.

setting goals and crushing them

Step 3: Start Slow and Build Gradually

Alright, you’ve got your goals and a plan in place. Now, let’s talk about starting slow and building gradually. This is super important to avoid burnout and injuries.

Avoid Burnout

It’s tempting to go all out when you’re excited about starting a new fitness routine. I have ADHD, so trust me, I get it! But, a big lesson I have learned, is if you dive in too fast, you’re likely to burn out. Start with manageable workouts that you can handle. For example, if you’re new to running, start with a mix of walking and running rather than trying to run for 30 minutes straight. For more tips on avoiding burnout, see my post ‘Workout Burnout: How To Find Joy And Balance‘.

Listen to Your Body

Your body is pretty smart – it’ll tell you when it’s had enough. Pay attention to those signals. Feeling sore is normal, but if you’re in pain or feeling excessively tired, it’s a sign you might be overdoing it. Don’t be afraid to take a rest day or choose a lighter workout if needed. Consistency is more important than intensity at the beginning.

Gradually Increase Intensity

As your body adapts to your new routine, you can start to increase the intensity. This might mean adding a few extra minutes to your cardio, lifting slightly heavier weights, or pushing yourself a bit harder in your workouts. The key is to make gradual changes so your body can adjust without getting overwhelmed.

Starting slow and building gradually sets a solid foundation for your fitness journey. It ensures you stay motivated and reduces the risk of injury, keeping you on track in the long run. So, take it one step at a time, and celebrate those small victories along the way!

how to start a fitness journey

Step 4: Find Activities You Enjoy

Now, let’s get to the fun part – finding activities you actually enjoy! If you’re having fun while working out, it won’t feel like a chore. Instead, it’ll be something you look forward to.

Joyful Movement

Think about what types of activities make you happy. Do you love dancing? Try a dance workout or Zumba class. Enjoy being outside? How about hiking or paddleboarding? The key is to find something that makes you smile. When you’re having fun, staying active feels less like an obligation and more like a treat. For more joyful movement ideas, see my post ‘7 Joyful Movement Ideas That Will Make Exercise Exciting!’

Variety is Key

Mix things up to keep your workouts exciting. Trying new activities not only keeps boredom at bay but also challenges different muscles and keeps your body guessing. One week you could be swimming, and the next, trying a yoga class. Variety is the spice of life, and it’s true for fitness too!

Group Activities

If you’re a social butterfly, group activities can be a great way to stay motivated. Join a local sports team, take group fitness classes, or find a workout buddy. Having others to share your journey with can make a huge difference. They’ll cheer you on, hold you accountable, and make the experience more enjoyable.

Finding activities you love is like discovering the secret ingredient to a sustainable fitness journey. It transforms exercise from a task on your to-do list into a highlight of your day. So go ahead, explore different options, and let yourself have fun with it! Check out ‘Enjoy Movement: How To Find Fun In Every Workout’ for more tips on how to enjoy exercise.

beginners running guide

Step 5: Track Your Progress

Alright, let’s talk about tracking your progress. Keeping tabs on how far you’ve come is incredibly motivating and helps you stay on track. Plus, it’s a great way to celebrate your wins along the way!


There are tons of ways to track your workouts and progress. You can go old school with a fitness journal where you jot down your daily activities, how you felt, and any milestones. Or, if you’re more tech-savvy, try using a fitness app. There are plenty of apps out there that let you log workouts, track calories, and even monitor your sleep.

Celebrate Milestones

Every step forward is a victory, no matter how small. Did you run a little longer than last time? Lift a bit heavier? Celebrate it! These milestones are proof that your hard work is paying off. Treat yourself to something special, like a new workout outfit or a relaxing day off, to acknowledge your achievements.

Adjust as Needed

Your fitness journey isn’t set in stone. As you progress, your goals and plans might need a little tweaking. Maybe you’ve achieved your initial goal and need to set a new one. Or perhaps you’ve discovered a new activity you love and want to incorporate it more. Regularly reassess your plan and make adjustments to keep things fresh and aligned with your evolving fitness level and interests.

Tracking your progress keeps you motivated and focused on your journey. It provides tangible evidence of your hard work and reminds you that every effort counts. So grab that journal or download that app, and start celebrating every step forward!

small goals for getting fit

Step 6: Build a Support System

Having a support system can make all the difference in sticking to your fitness journey. It’s much easier to stay motivated when you have people cheering you on and holding you accountable.

Accountability Partners

Find someone who can be your workout buddy or accountability partner. This could be a friend, family member, or coworker. Having someone to share your journey with can keep you both motivated. You can plan workouts together, check in on each other’s progress, and offer encouragement on those tough days.

Share Your Journey

Don’t be shy about sharing your fitness journey with others. Post your progress on social media, talk about it with friends, or join online fitness communities. Sharing your goals and achievements can boost your motivation and help you stay accountable. Plus, you might inspire others to start their own journeys!

Seek Professional Guidance

Sometimes, it helps to get advice from the pros. Consider hiring a personal trainer or a nutritionist, especially if you’re just starting out or learning how to start a fitness journey in the safest way possible. They can provide personalised guidance, help you avoid common pitfalls, and keep you on the right track.

Join a Community

Fitness classes, sports teams, or local running clubs are great places to meet like-minded people. Being part of a community provides a sense of belonging and support. So, you’ll find that working out with others can be incredibly motivating and fun.

Building a support system surrounds you with positive influences that encourage and motivate you. It transforms your fitness journey from a solo mission into a shared adventure. So reach out, connect, and let’s build that support network!

two smiling women doing yoga pose

Step 7: Focus on Nutrition

We can’t talk about a fitness journey without mentioning the importance of nutrition. Eating well fuels your body, helps you recover faster, and keeps you energised.

Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is key to supporting your fitness goals. Aim to include a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates in your meals. Think of your plate like a rainbow – the more colourful, the better. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats like avocados and nuts should all find a place in your diet.

Meal Planning

Planning your meals ahead of time can be a game-changer. It helps you make healthier choices and avoids the last-minute temptation of grabbing fast food. Start by planning your meals for the week, creating a shopping list, and prepping what you can in advance. This way, you’ll have healthy options ready to go, making it easier to stick to your nutrition goals.


Water is essential for every function in your body, from regulating temperature to aiding digestion. So, aim to drink at least 8 cups of water a day, more if you’re active. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and take sips throughout the day.

Mindful Eating

Pay attention to what and how you eat. Avoid eating in front of the TV or while scrolling through your phone. Instead, focus on your food, chew slowly, and savour each bite. This helps you tune into your body’s hunger and fullness cues, making it less likely that you’ll overeat. My post ‘Unconditional Permission To Eat For Sustainable Weight Loss‘ has more on mindful and intuitive eating if you want to know more about this!

Healthy Snacks

Keep healthy snacks on hand to fuel your body between meals. Having these on hand makes it easier to choose nutritious options when hunger strikes.

Focusing on nutrition is like giving your body the premium fuel it needs to perform its best. With a balanced diet, meal planning, proper hydration, and mindful eating, you’ll support your fitness goals from the inside out. For simplified nutritional advice, see my post ‘Simplify Nutrition With These 5 Easy Tips‘ or consider downloading my FREE Nutrition for Weight Loss (if weight loss is your goal of course!).

Step 8: Stay Motivated

Staying motivated can be one of the toughest parts of a fitness journey, but it’s also the most rewarding.

Find Your Motivation

Identify what truly motivates you. Is it a desire to feel healthier, to be more active with your kids, or maybe to challenge yourself in new ways? Write these motivations down and revisit them whenever you need a boost. This goes back to finding your ‘why’ and intrinsic motivation.

Mindfulness and Mindset

Your mindset plays a huge role in your fitness journey. Practising mindfulness can help you stay present and focused. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a moment to reflect can reduce stress and improve your mental clarity. A positive mindset encourages you to keep going, even when things get tough.

Visualise Success

Visualisation can be a great tool. Take a few minutes each day to imagine yourself achieving your goals. Picture yourself crossing the finish line of that 5k, lifting that heavier weight, or simply feeling healthier and happier. Visualisation helps reinforce your goals and keeps you motivated.

Incorporate Rewards

Set up a reward system for yourself. Treat yourself to something special when you hit a milestone. It could be new workout gear, a relaxing facial, or even a fun day out. Rewards give you something to look forward to and can make the journey more enjoyable.

Join Challenges

I love a good challenge! In my post about my weight loss journey, I mention that challenges are my driving force, they are what make me enjoy exercise the most. Participating in fitness challenges can be incredibly motivating. Whether it’s a 30-day yoga challenge, a steps competition with friends, or a virtual race, challenges add a fun and competitive element to your routine. They also provide a sense of accomplishment when completed.

my fitness journey losing weight

LEARN MORE ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY! > How I Lost Over 80lbs: Tips For Starting A Weight Loss Journey

Mix Up Your Routine

Keeping your routine fresh can prevent boredom and keep you excited about working out. Try new exercises, switch up your workout playlist, or explore different workout locations. A change of scenery or a new routine can reignite your enthusiasm.

Stay Positive

Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. Celebrate the little victories and be kind to yourself if you stumble. Fitness is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, but maintaining a positive attitude will help you push through the tough times.

Staying motivated is about finding what inspires you, maintaining a positive mindset, and celebrating your progress along the way. With these strategies, you’ll keep your momentum going strong and enjoy every step of your fitness journey. Let’s stay motivated and make every day count!

mindful eating calorie deficit

Step 9: Overcome Obstacles

Every fitness journey has its bumps in the road. The key is to recognise these obstacles and have strategies to overcome them. Let’s talk about some common challenges and how to tackle them head-on.

Common Challenges

Time Constraints: One of the biggest hurdles is finding time to work out. Busy schedules can make it hard to fit in regular exercise.

Plateaus: Hitting a plateau where progress slows down can be discouraging.

Lack of Motivation: There will be days when motivation is low, and the sofa seems way more appealing than the gym.

Injuries and Soreness: These can interrupt your routine and make it hard to stay consistent.

Solutions and Tips

Time Constraints

Prioritise: Treat your workouts like important meetings. Schedule them and stick to your plan as much as possible.

Short Workouts: Even 15-20 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be effective if you’re short on time.

Combine Activities: Incorporate more movement into your day by walking or biking to work, taking the stairs, or if you’re a homeworker like me, consider a standing desk with a walking treadmill!


Change It Up: When you hit a plateau, mix up your routine. Try new exercises, increase intensity, or change the order of your workouts.

Rest and Recovery: Sometimes, a plateau is your body’s way of asking for a break. Ensure you’re getting enough rest and recovery time.

Set New Goals: Reevaluate and set new, challenging goals to reignite your motivation and drive.

Lack of Motivation

Find Inspiration: Follow fitness influencers, join online communities, or find a workout buddy to keep you inspired.

Visualise: Keep visualising your goals and the reasons why you started.

Reward Yourself: Implement a reward system for reaching mini-goals to keep you excited and engaged.

Injuries and Soreness

Listen to Your Body: Rest when needed and don’t push through serious pain. Modify exercises to avoid aggravating injuries.

Proper Warm-up and Cool-down: Always warm up before and cool down after your workouts to prevent injuries.

Professional Help: If you’re injured, consider seeing a physical therapist or a doctor to guide you through a safe recovery.

Overcoming obstacles is all about being adaptable and persistent. Recognise that challenges are part of the journey and can make you stronger. By having strategies in place, you can navigate these bumps and keep moving forward.

So, when you hit a snag, don’t get discouraged. Use these tips to overcome the hurdles and continue on your path to a healthier, fitter you.

how to start a fitness journey and stick to it

How to Start a Fitness Journey: Conclusion

We’ve covered a lot of ground on how to start a fitness journey and stick to it. Let’s recap and wrap things up with some final words of encouragement.


Set Clear and Realistic Goals: Understand your why and set SMART goals.

Create a Plan: Schedule your workouts, balance different types of exercise, and don’t forget to rest.

Start Slow and Build Gradually: Avoid burnout by pacing yourself and listening to your body.

Find Activities You Enjoy: Make fitness fun by choosing activities that make you happy.

Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use an app to monitor your achievements and adjust your plan as needed.

Build a Support System: Surround yourself with people who encourage and motivate you.

Focus on Nutrition: Fuel your body with a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and practice mindful eating.

Stay Motivated: Keep your goals in sight, celebrate milestones, and maintain a positive mindset.

Overcome Obstacles: Be prepared for challenges and have strategies in place to tackle them.

Starting and sticking to a fitness journey is a personal and evolving process. Remember, it’s not about perfection but progress. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards a healthier, happier you. Celebrate your victories, learn from your setbacks, and keep pushing forward.

So, are you ready to take the first step today? Set your goals, create your plan, and get moving! We’re all in this together, supporting and cheering each other on.

I’d love to hear about your own fitness journey! What challenges have you faced, and what victories have you celebrated? Share your tips, progress, and questions in the comments below. Let’s create a community of encouragement and support where we can all thrive together.

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