Lazy Girl’s Guide to Losing Weight: 3 Simple Hacks That Actually Work

Are you looking for a simple way to start losing weight? Look no further! In this article, you’ll learn 3 quick and easy changes to your habits that can kick-start your weight loss journey. Whether you’re looking to shed a few extra pounds or make a major lifestyle change, these simple tweaks will help you get on the path to success!


Ever wish you could just roll out of bed and magically lose those extra pounds? Same. But what if I told you that you can make losing weight feel almost that easy?

Forget the endless hours at the gym or the complicated diets that leave you eating lettuce like a rabbit. These easy hacks are designed for those of us who love a good sofa day but still want to prioritise losing weight, get a healthy weight, and maybe even shrink that belly fat without losing our sanity.

In this post, I’m sharing three simple, no-nonsense strategies to help you get started on your weight loss journey—even if you’re a self-proclaimed lazy girl. These tips aren’t about perfection, they’re about progress. So, let’s ditch the guilt and get to the good stuff!

So, here’s what’s coming up:

  • The sneaky way to cut calories without even trying.
  • Less stress, more deliciousness.
  • Burn more calories without setting foot in the gym (plus, a little TDEE magic explained).

Let’s dive in and start making those changes!

losing weight hacks and tips

1. Don’t Drink Your Calories—Seriously!

Here’s a sneaky truth: all those fizzy drinks, lattes, and ‘healthy’ smoothies? They’re a calorie bomb waiting to sabotage your goals.

If you’re trying to lose belly fat or drop those pounds, rule number one is this: don’t drink your calories.

  • Swap that sugary coffee for a simple black coffee or tea.
  • Ditch the fizzy drinks for good ol’ water (yes, water can be fun—try sparkling with a slice of lime!).
  • Smoothies? Only if you make them at home with actual fruit and veg, not the ones loaded with sugar.

Those liquid calories add up fast and trust me, you’d rather eat your calories and feel satisfied than waste them on a fancy drink.

Pro Tip: Get yourself a water bottle that makes you feel like a hydration queen. Sipping water all day will not only help you shed those pounds, but your skin will thank you too!

2. Plan Meals That Are Easy to Prepare

Listen, nobody’s got the energy to whip up some elaborate meal after a long day (and if you do, teach me your ways).

But here’s the thing: having a simple meal plan is like your secret weapon. The trick is to keep it easy and realistic.

No one’s expecting you to cook like Gordon Ramsay, but you also don’t want to live on takeaway.

  • Think batch cooking on a Sunday—get your week sorted with some pre-made meals.
  • Choose recipes with minimal ingredients. Roasted veg and a bit of chicken or tofu? Sorted.
  • Always have a go-to meal for those lazy days—beans on toast can still be healthy, just watch the portion.

Pro Tip: Keep healthy snacks around—fruit, nuts, or yoghurt—so you’re not tempted to raid the biscuit tin when hunger strikes.

Simplicity is the key to staying on track, and guess what? You don’t need to be in the kitchen for hours to eat well.

3. Make Moving Around More of a Habit (TDEE Is Your Friend)

Right, here’s the deal: if you want to lose weight and lose belly fat, you’ve got to move.

But wait!

Before you roll your eyes at the thought of working out, let’s talk about TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Your TDEE is the amount of energy your body burns each day through everything you do—walking, sitting, blinking, all of it.

  • Walking the dog? You’re burning calories.
  • Doing the housework? You’re burning calories.
  • Even standing up instead of sitting down burns more than you’d think.

The more you move, the higher your TDEE. In fact, your day-to-day activity usually contributes more to your TDEE than intentional exercise.

So, here’s your hack: find little ways to move more throughout the day. You don’t have to hit the gym five times a week—just build movement into your life.

  • Take the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Walk around while you’re on the phone.
  • Dance while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil.

Before you know it, you’re burning more without even realising it, and that’s how you start shifting that belly fat without a full-blown workout regime.

Pro Tip: Get a step tracker and aim for 8,000-10,000 steps a day. It’s a fun little way to challenge yourself, and you’ll feel like you’re smashing your goals even when you’re just running errands.


So there you have it—three ridiculously simple hacks that even the laziest among us can pull off. No fad diets, no brutal gym sessions, just straightforward strategies that work.

Whether it’s swapping out sugary drinks, planning easy meals, or sneaking more movement into your day, you’re well on your way to a healthy weight without having to turn your life upside down.

Remember, losing weight is not about doing everything perfectly—it’s about making progress, one small step (or dance move) at a time.

You’ve got this!

So, ditch the guilt, embrace the journey, and watch as those changes start to stack up. The best part? You’ll feel like a total legend while doing it.

Now, go show that belly fat who’s boss!

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