
Hey, lovely! I’m Brooke

If you’ve ever felt trapped in the cycle of extreme dieting one minute and overeating the next, you’re in the right place.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent way too much time swinging between extreme diets, overeating, and feeling like you just can’t find that sweet spot of balance. Been there, done that, got the oversized t-shirt.

But here’s the good news – it doesn’t have to be this way.

This space? It’s for women who are done with the all-or-nothing game.

The ones who are tired of either counting every single calorie or throwing in the towel and ordering pizza for the third time this week.

I see you, I get you – because I was you.

Back in 2020, the world went a bit mad, didn’t it? But it gave me the wake-up call I needed.

I was high-risk with asthma, scared for my health, and knew I had to make a change. Fast forward, and I lost 80lbs during lockdown (yep, while juggling that chaos).

But what really changed? It wasn’t just the number on the scale – it was me.

I shifted how I saw myself. I stopped living life like a constant battle and learned to actually enjoy the journey.

And guess what?

It worked.

So, what’s this blog all about?

I’m all about mindset shifts!

It’s not just about the weight – it’s about how you see yourself, how you show up, and the little (but mighty) changes you make to live a healthier, happier life.

No more extremes, no more chasing those quick dopamine hits (hello, ADHD life!).

This is about finding balance – and yes, it’s totally possible to enjoy food, move your body, and love your life while reaching your goals.

What you can expect here

I’m here to help you change the way you see yourself, ditch that diet mentality, and take small but seriously impactful steps.

We’re talking identity shifts, babe. Who do you want to be? Let’s work on becoming that person. You’ll find loads of tips on mindset shifts, health, fitness, and wellness.

Plus, you’ll get a sneak peek into my own journey – I’m working on my nutrition diploma and personal training qualification while wrangling a 9-month-old.

This isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about living your best life and becoming the version of yourself you know you can be.

Who’s this blog for?

If you’re sick of fad diets, tired of feeling like you’re stuck on a never-ending rollercoaster of good intentions and “starting over on Monday,” you’re in the right place.

I’m here to help you take back control, find balance, and finally start enjoying the journey. Whether you’re just starting out, looking to drop a few pounds, or trying to live a healthier life – welcome!

I’m cheering you on every step of the way.

Fun stuff about me?

When I’m not talking mindset shifts and sustainable wellness, you’ll find me nose-deep in a fantasy romance novel, getting lost in the world of Stardew Valley (I’m a sucker for cosy games), hiking, paddleboarding, or daydreaming about my future dream home.

Oh, and chasing after my little one – that’s a workout in itself!

What next?

Ready to join me on this journey? I’d love for you to stick around! Make sure to sign up for my newsletter for regular mindset and wellness tips, plus access to the FREE resource library.

Or grab one of my ebooks – whether you’re looking to transform your weight loss or get into running, I’ve got you covered.

Let’s make those small steps that add up to something big, together.