Autumn Self-Care: 7 Ways to Embrace the Season and Recharge

As the days get shorter and the air gets chillier, it’s the perfect time to slow down and embrace some real autumn self-care. From creating a cosy nook at home to indulging in seasonal comfort foods, here are 7 simple ways to recharge this autumn and make sure you’re taking care of you. #AutumnSelfCare #CozyVibes #SeasonalWellness


OK, it’s officially autumn – the season of cosy jumpers, endless cups of tea, and that irresistible chill in the air. But let’s be honest, as lovely as it sounds, this time of year can also be exhausting. The days are shorter and darker, and if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get swept up in the hustle and forget about you. So, before you find yourself running on empty, it’s time to talk Autumn self-care. Real, no-nonsense self-care that’ll help you recharge, not just survive.

Grab your favourite blanket, make yourself a cuppa, and let’s dive into how you can embrace autumn for what it really is – the perfect time to slow down, reflect, and actually take care of yourself.

Autumn Self-Care: 7 Ways to Embrace the Season and Recharge

1. Create a Cosy, Calming Space

First things first, if you don’t have a dedicated spot in your home where you can just breathe and chill, it’s time to make one.

Autumn self-care is all about embracing that cosy feeling, and nothing says relaxation like a snug little nook just for you.

Whether it’s a corner of your sofa, your bed piled high with pillows, or even a comfy chair by the window, set up a space that feels like a little escape.

For me, I’ve got my go-to chair with a blanket and my adult colouring books (no shame, they are so calming).

There’s something about having a designated spot that tells my brain, “Okay, this is my time now.”

Pro tip: If you want to add a spooky twist to your cosy space this autumn, why not create a self-care Boo Basket? It’s a fun, seasonal way to treat yourself with all the self-care goodies you’ll need for some well-deserved me-time. Check out how to build your own Boo Basket here.

2. Go Outside and Breathe (Yes, Even When It’s Cold)

I get it – the idea of stepping outside when it’s cold and grey doesn’t sound appealing. But trust me, a bit of fresh air is like a reset button for your brain. Autumn is beautiful!

The crisp air, the changing leaves – it’s the perfect time to reconnect with nature and yourself.

Even if it’s just a 10-minute walk around the block or sitting in the garden with a hot drink, you’ll feel refreshed.

It doesn’t have to be a full-on hike (unless that’s your thing), but a little time outdoors does wonders for your mood and energy.

Pro tip: If you’re looking for more ways to soak in the autumn magic, I’ve got the ultimate fall bucket list for you! It’s packed with 31 cosy ideas to help you make the most of this beautiful season. Check it out here.

3. Indulge in Some Seasonal Comfort Foods

Now, when I say indulge, I mean enjoy food that nourishes your body and your soul. Autumn is the season of soups, stews, and all things warm and comforting.

You don’t have to go full MasterChef – simple, wholesome meals are perfect for this time of year.

I’ve recently been on a soup-making spree, and let me tell you, nothing beats coming in from the cold to a steaming bowl of homemade butternut squash soup.

autumn self-care

Easy, filling, and so satisfying.

Pro tip: Try adding seasonal produce to your meals – think pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and apples. They’re all in season and packed with nutrients to keep you going through the colder months.

4. Digital Detox (or At Least Try)

Look, I know it’s hard. We’re all glued to our phones, scrolling through social media, but here’s the truth: all that constant connection?

It’s draining.

Autumn is the perfect time to slow down your mind and take a break from the noise.

Even if it’s just for an hour a day, putting your phone away and being present can do wonders for your mental health.

For me, it’s been all about reducing my screen time in the evenings. I’ve swapped endless scrolling for more mindful activities like colouring (seriously, it’s my new thing) and reading.

It’s made such a difference in helping me wind down and sleep better.

5. Pamper Yourself, Because Why Not?

Autumn self-care doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that make the biggest difference. Run yourself a bath, pop on a face mask, and let yourself relax.

You don’t need a reason – just do it because you deserve to feel good.

If you’ve got back pain like me (thanks, post-baby life!), take the time to stretch and give yourself a little TLC.

I’ve been using a heated back massager for 15 minutes before bed, and it’s been a game-changer.

Pro tip: If you’re looking for more ways to level up your pampering game, why not create your own self-care basket? It’s the perfect way to have all your cosy, feel-good essentials in one place, ready whenever you need a little TLC. Check out my guide on how to make the ultimate self-care basket here.

6. Get Cosy with a Good Book (or a Comfort Show)

Nothing says autumn quite like curling up with a good book or binge-watching your favourite comfort show.

This is the season to embrace all things cosy, so don’t feel guilty about spending time on yourself.

autumn self-care

For me, it’s all about finding a good fantasy book that transports me to another world (bonus points if it’s got witches or magic).

Some of my autumn faves include The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna (pure witchy goodness with heart), Weyward by Emilia Hart (all about powerful women and nature), and House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland (a bit eerie, but perfect for this time of year).

If reading’s not your thing, go for a classic comfort show like Gilmore Girls or Buffy the Vampire Slayer – anything that makes you feel warm and cosy inside.

If you’re loving the cosy autumn vibes, why not take it a step further and create a fall evening routine that helps you unwind after busy days? I’ve put together the ultimate fall evening routine that’ll make your nights extra comforting. You can check it out here.

7. Practice Gratitude and Reflection

Autumn is the perfect time to reflect on the year so far and think about what you’re grateful for.

Grab a journal and take a few minutes each day to write down what you’re thankful for. It doesn’t have to be deep or profound – it could be as simple as “I’m grateful for a warm cup of tea.”

It’s the act of noticing the little things that’ll shift your mindset and help you focus on the positives.

For me, journaling has become such a calming practice. I love using it to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper, especially when life feels overwhelming.

It helps me feel grounded and reminds me of all the good things, even on tough days.

Want to set a positive tone for your day, right from the start? Creating a fall morning routine can help you ease into your day with calm and intention. Check out my ultimate fall morning routine for cosy, productive mornings here.


  • Create a cosy, calming space – Set up a snug spot at home where you can unwind and relax. Add some fairy lights or candles for that perfect autumn glow.
  • Step outside for fresh air – Even a short walk in the crisp autumn air can reset your mind and boost your mood.
  • Enjoy seasonal comfort foods – Wholesome, warming meals like soups and stews nourish both body and soul. Try incorporating seasonal produce like pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
  • Take a digital detox – Give yourself a break from the constant noise of social media. Reducing screen time, even for an hour, can improve your mental health.
  • Pamper yourself – Run a bath, use a face mask, or stretch out tense muscles. Simple acts of self-care can make a huge difference.
  • Get cosy with a book or comfort show – Embrace the cosy vibes with a favourite book or series that brings you joy.
  • Practice gratitude and reflection – Journaling small moments of gratitude helps shift your mindset and focus on the positives, even on tough days.


So, there you have it – 7 simple ways to embrace autumn self-care and look after yourself.

It doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, just little moments that remind you to slow down and recharge.

Because let’s face it, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

Now, go grab your blanket, make yourself a hot drink, and take some well-deserved ‘me time’ – you’ve earned it!

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