Homeopathic Remedies to Lose Weight: Are You Being Scammed?

Wondering about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for weight loss? In this post we look at the facts and the science of weight loss. #getthefacts #healthyliving #studies



Let’s talk about something a bit controversial today: homeopathic remedies to lose weight.

I’ve got to admit, I’m a big fan of some things others might find to be a bit ‘out there’, like affirmations. Yes, I believe positive statements we tell ourselves can build up a more optimistic mindset. But this is based on the idea that the affirmations helping you to a more positive mindset will lead to you taking action, and so there is a basis for this.

I also like to use the word holistic a lot, which has some associations with alternative practices, but to me, holistic just means looking at the whole picture – mind, body, and spirit – to achieve overall well-being.

In actuality, I deeply respect science, especially when it comes to health. I believe in evidence-based practices that have been proven to work through research and testing. When it comes to weight loss, the science is clear: it’s all about the balance of calories in versus calories out.

No matter how appealing the quick fixes and miracle cures might sound, the reality is that sustainable weight loss is a combination of healthy eating, regular physical activity, and mindful habits.

homeopathic remedies to lose weight

Table of Contents

What Are Homeopathic Remedies?

So, what exactly is homeopathy? Simply put, it’s a type of alternative medicine based on two main ideas:

“Like cures like”: This means that something that causes symptoms in a healthy person can, in tiny amounts, treat similar symptoms in a sick person.

Extreme dilutions: Homeopathic remedies are made by diluting a substance many times in water or alcohol. The idea is that the more diluted it is, the more powerful it becomes. Even if there’s hardly any of the original substance left.

There are a few homeopathic remedies to lose weight that are pretty popular. Here are some you might have heard about:

Calcarea Carbonica: This one’s made from oyster shells and is said to help people who gain weight easily and have a sluggish metabolism.

Natrum Mur: Derived from table salt, it’s claimed to be effective for those who retain water and have a craving for salty foods.

Lycopodium: Made from clubmoss, it’s supposed to help with bloating and digestive issues, often recommended for people who struggle with abdominal fat.

People who promote these remedies often say they can boost metabolism, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and balance hormones to help with weight loss. It sounds great, right? But here’s the thing: there’s no solid scientific evidence to back up these claims.

While I love the idea of finding natural ways to support our health, it’s important to base our decisions on what’s proven to work.

The Science of Weight Loss

Weight loss boils down to a simple concept: calories in vs. calories out. This means balancing the calories you eat with the calories you burn.

homeopathic remedies to lose weight

Calories In

This is all about what you eat and drink. Every bite of food and sip of drink (excluding water adds up. But what are calories, really? Simply put, calories are a measure of energy.

Your body needs this energy to perform every function, from blinking to running a marathon. Just like your car needs fuel to run, your body needs calories to function.

Calories Out

Let’s start with understanding your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). This is the total number of calories you burn in a day. TDEE is made up of a few key components:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The number of calories your body needs just to keep you alive. Breathing, keeping your heart beating, and all those basic functions. Even if you were to do nothing all day, your body would still burn calories just to stay alive.

Physical Activity: This includes everything from your morning run to walking the dog, or even fidgeting at your desk. The more active you are, the more calories you burn.

homeopathic remedies to lose weight

Thermic Effect of Food: Believe it or not, digesting food actually burns calories too! It’s a small amount, but it’s part of the equation.

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): This refers to the calories burned through everyday activities that are not formal exercise, such as fidgeting, standing, walking around the house, etc.

Understanding your TDEE can help you figure out how many calories you need to maintain, lose, or gain weight.

Evidence-Based Weight Loss

There are so many factors when it comes to losing weight, but for sustainable, safe, and healthy weight loss, it boils down to a few key principles:

running nutrition

Balanced Diets: A balanced diet means different things to different people but, simply put, it involves eating a variety of foods in the right proportions. Think plenty of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. It’s not about starving yourself but making healthier choices.

Regular Physical Activity: Moving your body regularly is crucial. Whether it’s running, weight training, yoga, or even just walking more, it all helps.

Behavioural Changes: Small habit changes can make a big difference, they are the foundation of long-term behaviour change. Repeating something over and over again until it becomes automatic to you.

By focusing on these evidence-based methods, you can make sustainable changes that lead to real, lasting weight loss.

So, let’s put aside those miracle cures and get back to basics. It might not be as flashy, but it works – and that’s what really matters!

weight loss before and after

LEARN MORE ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY! > How I Lost Over 80lbs: Tips For Starting A Weight Loss Journey

Evaluating the Evidence for Homeopathic Remedies for Weight Loss

Scientific Studies and Reviews

First off, let’s look at the key scientific studies and systematic reviews. Researchers have delved into various homeopathic remedies to see if they hold any water when it comes to weight loss.

The verdict? Time and again, these studies have shown that homeopathic remedies don’t have any significant effect on losing extra pounds. Most of the research points out that there’s no solid evidence supporting these remedies as effective weight loss tools.

A comprehensive review by the UK’s House of Commons Science and Technology Committee in 2010 concluded that homeopathy is no more effective than a placebo. This review looked at the evidence from numerous studies and found no credible proof that homeopathic treatments have any effect beyond the placebo effect.

white and black plane in mid air


Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

  • Ernst (2002) conducted a systematic review of systematic reviews, concluding that there is no condition which responds convincingly better to homeopathic treatment than to placebo or other control interventions (Ernst, 2002).
  • A meta-analysis by Linde et al. (1997) found that although homeopathic treatments had a slight effect over placebo, the evidence was not sufficient to claim efficacy for any specific clinical condition (Linde et al., 1997).

Individual Studies and Reviews

  • Cucherat et al. (2000) performed a meta-analysis of clinical trials and concluded that while some trials suggested homeopathy was more effective than placebo, the strength of this evidence was low due to methodological flaws (Cucherat et al., 2000).
  • Mathie and Clausen (2015) reviewed veterinary homeopathy and found no reliable evidence to support its effectiveness beyond a placebo in animals, raising questions about its efficacy in humans (Mathie & Clausen, 2015).
  • Ernst (2010) discussed the placebo effect in homeopathy, highlighting that the positive outcomes observed in patients are likely due to the placebo effect rather than any specific therapeutic action of the homeopathic remedies (Ernst, 2010).
homeopathic remedies to lose weight

Lack of Evidence

And it’s not just a few studies here and there. There is a significant lack of rigorous evidence across the board.

High-quality, well-controlled studies are the gold standard in science, and unfortunately, homeopathic remedies just don’t measure up. They often rely on anecdotal evidence and small, poorly designed studies that don’t hold much scientific weight.

Placebo Effect

Now, you might be wondering, “If they don’t work, why do some people swear by them?” This is where the placebo effect comes into play.

The placebo effect is a phenomenon where people experience real improvements in their condition simply because they believe they’re receiving treatment, even if the treatment has no active ingredients.

So, any perceived benefits from homeopathic remedies could very well be due to the placebo effect rather than the remedies themselves.

For example, if you’re spending money and time on a new weight loss product, you might also start eating healthier and exercising more because you feel more committed to your goal.


This increased motivation and change in behaviour could lead to weight loss. But it’s not the product itself working – it’s your new, healthier habits making the difference.

In fact, many weight loss products will have something written on the pack to state it is to be used along with a healthy diet and exercise. Two things that will ultimately be the contributing factors to any weight loss!

Expert Opinions

To top it off, let’s consider the opinions of reputable health organisations and experts. The consensus among these experts is pretty clear: homeopathic remedies are not effective for weight loss.

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) states that there is no good-quality evidence that homeopathy is an effective treatment for any health condition, including weight loss. The NHS recommends focusing on a balanced diet and regular physical activity as the most effective and sustainable methods for losing weight.

While the idea of a simple, natural remedy for weight loss is appealing, the science just doesn’t back it up.

how to lose weight naturally

Instead of relying on unproven methods, focusing on evidence-based strategies like balanced diets, regular exercise, and healthy behavioural changes is the way to go.

The Risks of Relying on Homeopathic Remedies to Lose Weight

Turning to homeopathic remedies to lose weight isn’t just ineffective – it can also come with some significant downsides. Here are a few risks to keep in mind:

Delay in Effective Treatment

First off, relying on unproven remedies can delay effective weight loss strategies. Time spent experimenting with homeopathic products is time that could be better spent on evidence-based approaches.

Every day spent on these unproven methods is a day lost in making real, sustainable progress.

Financial Cost

Investing in homeopathic remedies to lose weight can add up quickly. These products can be pricey, and because they aren’t supported by solid science. You’re essentially spending your hard-earned cash on something that doesn’t work.

not losing weight despite a calorie deficit

Potential Health Risks

Lastly, there are potential health risks. Homeopathic products are generally considered safe due to their extreme dilution. But there’s always a risk of adverse effects, especially if they’re not properly regulated.

Plus, relying on these remedies might lead you to neglect more effective treatments. Potentially worsening your health in the long run. And in some cases, homeopathic remedies might interact with other medications you’re taking, leading to unintended side effects.

Science-Backed Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

Healthy Eating Habits

One of the best things you can do for your own health is to learn as much as you can about nutrition. With a deeper understanding of what nutrients you need and how certain foods may affect you, you can begin to make healthier food choices

wholesome foods market

Focus on Whole Foods: Aim to make 80% of your diet whole, nutritious foods and allow yourself 20% for those treats you love. This approach helps you maintain a healthy balance without feeling deprived, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating habits long-term.

Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and savour each bite, which can help prevent overeating.

Meal Planning and Preparation: Planning your meals and snacks ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and avoid the temptation of fast food or junk food.

Regular Physical Activity

Consistent exercise plays a big role in weight loss and maintaining your health. It’s not just about burning calories; it’s about building a routine that you can stick to.

Find Joy in Movement: Whether it’s running, weight training, yoga, or dancing, choose activities you enjoy. When you enjoy exercise, you’re more likely to keep doing it!

Mix It Up: Include both cardio and strength training in your workouts. Cardio helps burn calories, while strength training builds muscle, which can contribute to a higher BMR!

Increase Daily Activity: This goes back to the NEAT part of your TDEE. Outside of intentional workouts, try to move more throughout the day. Activities like walking, taking the stairs, and even fidgeting can add up to a significant amount of burned calories.

Behavioural Changes

Set Realistic Goals: Start with small, achievable goals and gradually increase them. This helps build confidence and keeps you motivated.

Keep a Food Journal: Tracking what you eat can help you become more aware of your eating habits.

Manage Stress: Stress can lead to emotional eating. Incorporate stress management techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or yoga into your routine.

Building new habits requires patience, dedication, and a commitment to showing up for yourself every day. Remember, it’s not about perfection but progress.

Support Systems

support system

Having a strong support system can make a huge difference in your weight loss success.

Seek Support from Friends and Family: Share your goals with people who can offer encouragement and accountability.

Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a nutritionist or personal trainer to create a plan tailored to your needs and goals.

My Journey and How You Can Start Yours

I’ve walked this path myself and lost 80lbs through science-backed strategies. It wasn’t about quick fixes or miracle cures but about making sustainable, healthy changes that I could stick to.

I’ve put all my knowledge and experience into an eBook, “The Complete Weight Loss Guide.” This guide is packed with practical advice and strategies that I wish I had known when I started my journey.

It’s not just about losing weight; it’s about building a healthier, happier you from the inside out.

Click below to find out more about “The Complete Weight Loss Guide”. And take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Homeopathic Remedies to Lose Weight: Conclusion

Claims about homeopathic remedies to lose weight aren’t new and will continue to show up in our feeds. So it’s important to know that it’s not about quick fixes or miracle cures but about understanding the science behind what works and sticking with proven strategies.

Achieving sustainable, healthy weight loss is all about making informed, balanced choices.

Remember, every step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is a victory. There will be challenges along the way, but each small change brings you closer to your goals.

Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t always go as planned.

You have the power to change your life, one healthy choice at a time. Stay positive, stay motivated, and most importantly, believe in yourself. You’ve got this!

Every effort you make is a step towards a better, healthier you. Keep pushing forward, and know that I’m here cheering you on every step of the way.

I’d love to hear from you! What are your thoughts on homeopathic remedies to lose weight? Have you tried any, or do you have a success story with evidence-based strategies?

Share your experiences, questions, and tips in the comments below!

Additional Resources


These books have been invaluable either on my weight loss journey or in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They offer a blend of practical advice, scientific insights, and motivational strategies that have truly made a difference for me:

Mindset & Habit Changes

Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential by Dr Carol Dweck: This book introduced me to the concept of a growth mindset and transformed my approach to challenges. Dr. Dweck’s concept of the growth mindset helped me see setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, which was crucial for staying motivated.

Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success by Angela Duckworth: This book’s exploration of grit – the combination of passion and perseverance – was a game-changer. It taught me that consistent effort and resilience are key to achieving long-term goals, including weight loss.

Atomic Habits by James Clear: These insights into building small, sustainable habits helped me create a healthier lifestyle. His strategies for habit formation were practical and easy to implement, making lasting change achievable.


The Science of Nutrition: Debunk the Diet Myths and Learn How to Eat Well for Health and Happiness by Rhiannon Lambert: Lambert’s book debunked many diet myths and provided clear, evidence-based guidance on nutrition. It helped me make informed choices about what to eat for optimal health.

Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss: This eye-opening book revealed how the food industry manipulates ingredients to make processed foods addictive. It motivated me to make healthier food choices and avoid highly processed items.

More Fuel You: Understanding Your Body & How to Fuel Your Adventures by Renee Mcgregor: McGregor’s expertise in sports nutrition was incredibly helpful. Her advice on how to fuel my body properly for physical activity ensured I had the energy and nutrients needed for my workouts, especially when I got more serious about running and weight training.


Science of Strength Training: Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Transform Your Body by Austin Current: This book provided a deep understanding of how strength training affects the body. Current’s insights helped me improve my workouts for better results.

Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health by Daniel Lieberman: Lieberman’s exploration of the science behind physical activity and rest highlighted the importance of balance. It reinforced the need for both exercise and proper rest in a healthy lifestyle.

The Joy of Movement: How exercise helps us find happiness, hope, connection, and courage by Kelly McGonigal: This book reminded me of the emotional and psychological benefits of exercise. It helped me find joy and motivation in physical activity, making it a positive part of my daily routine.

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