Postpartum Fitness: My July Journey of Joy and Challenges

Join me as I share my postpartum fitness journey in July, filled with small wins, overcoming setbacks, and finding joy in movement.


Hey friends! ???? July has been quite the month, full of little victories and heartfelt moments in my postpartum fitness journey. It’s been a mix of relaxation, new routines, and overcoming a few bumps along the way. As always, my focus has been on finding joy in movement and listening to my body.

This month started with a much-needed staycation in beautiful Cornwall with my family, where I soaked up the sunshine and enjoyed some quality time with loved ones. As the month went on, I gradually eased back into my fitness routine, faced some challenges, and found new ways to stay motivated.

Join me as I walk you through each week of July, sharing my experiences, struggles, and small but mighty wins. I hope my journey inspires you to celebrate your own progress, no matter how big or small. Let’s get into ‘Postpartum Fitness: My July Journey of Joy and Challenges’!

postpartum fitness journey

Table of Contents

Recap: Finding Joy in Fitness Again

Before we get into July’s updates, let’s do a quick recap for those who haven’t read my previous post, “Finding Joy in Fitness Again”.

In that post, I shared my journey of rediscovering fitness after giving birth. My postpartum experience began with an unplanned C-section, which added a layer of complexity to my recovery. Alongside the physical recovery, I battled insomnia and postpartum depression (PPD), which made the journey even more challenging.

It wasn’t just about getting back in shape; it was about finding joy and balance in my new life as a mom. I talked about the importance of joyful movement, which means choosing exercises that I genuinely enjoy rather than forcing myself into rigid routines.

Starting with small, manageable steps like taking gentle walks with my baby, incorporating mindfulness into my daily routine, and slowly building up to more structured workouts. I emphasised listening to my body, being kind to myself, and celebrating small victories along the way. This approach helped me reconnect with my love for fitness without the pressure or guilt.

Now, let’s see how July unfolded and continued this journey of joyful, mindful movement.

my fitness journey losing weight

LEARN MORE ABOUT MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY! > How I Lost Over 80lbs: Tips For Starting A Weight Loss Journey

Week 1: A Relaxing Start

I kicked off July with a lovely staycation in Cornwall – my baby’s first holiday! We had the whole family along: my partner, mum and dad, and my sister’s family. This week was all about enjoyment, with no specific fitness goals. We visited a theme park, stayed in a cosy farmhouse, walked along beautiful beaches, and even braved a swim in the ocean when it was warm enough. Our days were filled with BBQs, ice creams, and plenty of scenic walks.

My focus was on walking and touring. No structured workouts, just soaking up the fresh air and enjoying the beautiful surroundings. Physically and mentally, I felt fantastic! Being outdoors, walking a lot, and waking up to the serene view of fields with cows and chickens was refreshing. Plus, spending quality time with family was really needed!

Week 2: Easing Back Into Routine

Back from the holiday, I ordered a kettlebell to start incorporating kettlebell workouts into my routine. I aimed for three sessions a week: one upper body, one lower body, and one full body workout. This simple routine helped me ease back into fitness after a recent back injury. I also kept up with my morning walks with the little one and attended a boot camp class mid-week. One of my biggest goals this year is to rebuild my strength and gain some muscle back, check out my post ‘Women Lifting Weights: Myths, Facts, and Best Results’ to read why I think this is so important for women!

To manage my schedule, I found the best time to work out was during the baby’s first nap in the morning. This way, I could ensure I got my exercise done without interruptions. No major milestones this week, just getting back into a rhythm felt like an achievement.

joyful movement

Week 3: Dealing with Setbacks

This week, my motivation took a bit of a hit as my back started to hurt again. It was a reminder to listen to my body and take things slow. The recurring back pain was a challenge. I spent the week focusing on lower back yoga and gentle walks to manage the discomfort.

For a change of scenery during my walks, I visited Wisley Gardens and a few National Trust parks for our daily walks, making the most of my membership!

Week 4: Reflecting and Adjusting

I wrapped up July with continued walking and lower back yoga. My healthy eating habits stayed on track, although my appetite is still quite high due to SSRIs for PPD.

I’ve learned to take things even more gently. For next month, I’m planning on continuing kettlebell workouts but reducing them to two full-body sessions a week to avoid overstraining my back. My goal for August is simple: move for 30 minutes a day and play it by ear. I’ll listen to my body and do what feels enjoyable. On the nutrition front, I aim to plan more and prep some meals to stay on track using tips from this post ‘Principles of Meal Planning: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide‘ and focusing on food positivity, which you can learn more about in this post: ‘Food Positivity: How to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits‘.

how to start a fitness journey and stick to it

Wrapping Up: July Postpartum Fitness Update

As I reflect on July, I’m reminded that every small win is a step forward, especially on this postpartum fitness journey. From the joy-filled days in Cornwall to the challenges of back pain, each moment has taught me the value of patience, self-compassion, and perseverance.

This month, I celebrated the little victories – the peaceful walks, the gentle yoga sessions, and the gradual return to strength training. I listened to my body, honoured its needs, and adapted my plans accordingly. The support of my family and the beauty of nature played a huge role in keeping my spirits high and my motivation strong.

Looking ahead to August, my goals remain simple: move for 30 minutes a day, listen to my body, and find joy in every step. I’m also focusing on better meal planning to support my overall well-being.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Remember, whether you’re a new mom or someone navigating your own fitness path, it’s okay to take things one step at a time. Celebrate your small wins, be kind to yourself, and keep moving forward. We’re all in this together! Subscribe below to follow along with my journey and for more fitness, nutrition, wellness and weight loss advice!

Stay strong and joyful!

Additional Resources

If you’re navigating your own postpartum fitness journey or dealing with postpartum challenges, here are some helpful resources:

Panda Foundation for Postnatal Depression (PPD): The Panda Foundation provides support, resources, and information for those dealing with postpartum depression. Visit their website to learn more: Panda Foundation for PPD.

Remember, you’re not alone, and there are many supportive communities and resources available to help you along the way.

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