When Goals Backfire: Consequences of Unrealistic Expectations

Learn the consequences of unrealistic expectations when setting goals that are too ambitious. Learn how to set realistic goals instead! #keepgrowing #crushyourgoals


You know, setting goals is such a big part of our journey toward self-improvement and success. They give us direction, motivation, and something to aim for. But let’s be real for a second – sometimes, our enthusiasm can get the best of us, leading us to set goals that are just a bit too ambitious. When our expectations are sky-high and reality doesn’t quite match up, it can leave us disappointed and burnt out. And trust me, I know all about the consequences of unrealistic expectations!

As someone with ADHD, I thrive on novelty. Starting something new gives my brain its dopamine hit, motivating and giving me an instant boost of energy. However, this initial thrill can sometimes lead me to bite off more than I can chew. I remember when I used to jump from one extreme diet to the next, expecting big results in just a week or a month. I’d dive headfirst into extreme eating plans, cutting out entire food groups or drastically reducing calories.

But reality quickly set in. These diets were unsustainable, left me feeling deprived, and often led to rebound weight gain. Instead of achieving the transformation I was hoping for, I ended up feeling frustrated and defeated. I realised that these extreme approaches were not the answer and that I needed to find a more balanced, realistic way to reach my goals.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: the importance of setting realistic, achievable goals. It’s about finding that balance between challenging ourselves and being kind to ourselves. Let’s get started with ‘When Goals Backfire: Consequences of Unrealistic Expectations’!

consequences of unrealistic expectations

Table of Contents

The Allure of Ambitious Goals

There are a few reasons why ambitious goals can be so tempting:

Desire for Fast Results: We all love a good transformation story, right? Whether it’s a dramatic weight loss journey or a complete lifestyle overhaul, the idea of making big changes quickly is appealing. We see these success stories and think, “If they can do it, why can’t I?” (Avishai, Conner, & Sheeran, 2019).

Influence of Social Media and Comparison Culture: Scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, it’s easy to get caught up in the highlight reels of others. We see people achieving amazing things and it can make us feel like we need to aim higher to keep up. It’s natural to want to measure up to the seemingly perfect lives we see online. (Shepperd, Waters, Weinstein, & Klein, 2015).

Pressure from Societal Standards: Society often sets high standards for success, beauty, fitness, and everything in between. These standards can push us to set ambitious goals in an effort to meet those expectations and gain acceptance or approval. (Höpfner & Keith, 2021).

4. The Thrill of Something New Like I said, I know firsthand how thrilling new challenges can be. The excitement of starting something new can be so motivating. However, this initial thrill can sometimes lead us to bite off more than we can chew. (Brusso & Orvis, 2013).

Ambitious goals aren’t inherently bad. In fact, they can push us to achieve things we never thought possible. But when these goals are unrealistic, they can set us up for failure and disappointment.


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how to set realistic goals

The Consequences of Unrealistic Expectations

While aiming big can be inspiring, there are some of the significant consequences of unrealistic expectations:

Emotional Consequences: When we fall short of our goals, it can cause stress, anxiety, and a sense of failure. This makes it hard to stay motivated and committed to our goals. (Höpfner & Keith, 2021).

Physical Consequences: Pushing ourselves too hard, too fast can have serious physical repercussions. Overtraining, injuries, and burnout are all too common when we don’t pace ourselves properly. Our bodies need time to adapt and recover, and ignoring this causes setbacks that are hard to bounce back from. (Cunningham, 2014).

Impact on Self-Esteem: When we consistently fail to meet our overly ambitious goals, it can take a toll on our self-esteem. We start to doubt our abilities and may even feel like giving up entirely. This negative self-perception can spill over into other areas of our lives, making it even harder to achieve future goals. (Shepperd, Pogge, & Howell, 2017).

4. Loss of Enjoyment Let’s not forget that the journey towards our goals should be enjoyable! When we set unrealistic expectations, the pressure and stress can strip away the joy of the process. Instead of feeling fulfilled and excited, we end up feeling overwhelmed and disheartened. (Welsh, Bush, Thiel, & Bonner, 2019).

Consequences of Unrealistic Expectations

Recognising Unrealistic Goals

When we’re caught up in the excitement of something new, it can be hard to recognise if we’re taking on too much. Here are some tips to help you recognise if your goals might be a bit too ambitious:

It’s Too Ambitious for Your Current Lifestyle or Capabilities: If the goal requires a drastic change from your current habits or abilities, it might be unrealistic. For example, deciding to run a marathon when you’ve never run more than a mile or planning to lose a big amount of weight in a very short time.

It Lacks a Clear, Achievable Plan: A goal without a detailed, step-by-step plan can be a red flag. If you haven’t broken down the goal into smaller, manageable tasks, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and directionless. A good plan should have clear milestones and a realistic timeline.

It’s Based on Someone Else’s Standards or Achievements: Comparing ourselves to others can lead us to set goals that aren’t truly aligned with our own needs and circumstances. Just because someone else achieved something in a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the right path for you. Your goals should be personal and tailored to your unique situation.

It Feels Overwhelming Rather Than Exciting: A certain amount of challenge is good, but if the thought of your goal fills you with dread or anxiety rather than excitement, it might be too much. Your goals should inspire and motivate you, not leave you feeling paralysed.

You’re Ignoring Your Body or Mind’s Signals: If you’re constantly feeling exhausted, stressed, or unhappy while pursuing your goal, it’s worth reassessing. Our bodies and minds give us important feedback, and it’s crucial to listen to them. Ignoring these signals can lead to burnout and setbacks.

Consequences of Unrealistic Expectations

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is all about finding that sweet spot where the goals challenge us but don’t overwhelm us.

Use the SMART Goals Framework:

Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. Instead of saying, “I want to get fit,” specify, “I want to run a 5k.”

Measurable: Find a way to measure your progress. For instance, track your running distance and time each week.

Achievable: Make sure your goal is realistic given your current situation. If you’re new to running, a 5k is more achievable than a marathon.

Relevant: Ensure it’s something that matters to you and aligns with your broader life goals.

Time-bound: Set a deadline to keep yourself accountable. “I want to run a 5k in three months” is a clear, time-bound goal.

(Epton, Currie, & Armitage, 2017).

weight loss transformation

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Start Small and Build Gradually: Big changes start with small steps. If you’re new to running, for example, start with a Couch to 5k plan rather than aiming for a marathon right away. Gradually increase your mileage as your endurance builds. This approach prevents burnout and keeps you motivated as you see steady progress.

Focus on Consistency Rather Than Perfection: It’s better to be consistent with smaller efforts than to go all out and then burn out. Aim to make regular, sustainable progress rather than going for perfection. It’s the small, consistent actions that add up to big results over time.

Adjusting Expectations

Even with the best intentions and careful planning, sometimes our goals still need adjusting. Life happens, circumstances change, and our original plans might not fit as well as we hoped. Here’s how to stay flexible and keep moving forward:

Be Open to Modifying Goals as Needed: It’s okay to adjust your goals based on new information or changing circumstances. It doesn’t mean you’re giving up; it means you’re being smart and adaptive!

Understand That Progress Isn’t Always Linear: Progress can be unpredictable. There will be ups and downs, and that’s perfectly normal. Instead of getting discouraged by setbacks, view them as part of the journey.

Emphasise the Value of Enjoying the Journey: Remember why you set the goal in the first place. Often, it’s not just about the end result but about the experiences and growth along the way. Make sure to enjoy the process. Celebrate the small victories and learn from the challenges.

Listen to Your Body and Mind: Pay attention to how you’re feeling physically and mentally. If you’re consistently feeling drained or unhappy, it might be a sign that you need to adjust your approach. Your well-being is paramount, and sometimes slowing down or taking a break is the best course of action.

Maintain a Flexible Mindset: Flexibility is key to long-term success. Life is full of unexpected turns, and being able to adapt will help you stay on track. If you find that your current goal isn’t working, don’t be afraid to tweak it. Flexibility allows for resilience and continued progress.


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Embracing Imperfection

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we need to be perfect to succeed, but the truth is, perfection isn’t attainable, and striving for it can actually hold us back. Here’s why embracing imperfection is key to achieving your goals:

Understand That Mistakes Are Part of the Process: Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s okay. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. If you miss a workout, eat something “off-plan”, or have a setback, don’t see it as a failure. Instead, view it as a learning experience that can help you adjust and improve.

Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection Focus on how far you’ve come rather than how far you still have to go. Every step forward is a victory, no matter how small. Celebrating your progress helps build confidence and keeps you motivated. Remember, progress is not always linear, and that’s perfectly normal.

Use Setbacks as Learning Opportunities When things don’t go as planned, take a step back and assess what happened. Ask yourself what you can learn from the situation and how you can adjust your approach moving forward. This mindset turns challenges into valuable lessons that contribute to your overall growth.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially during tough times. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend. Self-compassion helps reduce stress and makes it easier to stay motivated and resilient.

Keep a Positive Mindset Staying positive can make a big difference in how you handle setbacks and challenges. Focus on the positives, even in difficult situations. A positive mindset helps you stay motivated and keeps you moving forward, even when things get tough.

Consequences of Unrealistic Expectations: Conclusion

So, let’s recap: setting realistic goals, adjusting expectations, and embracing imperfection are all important to achieving sustainable success and avoiding the consequences of unrealistic expectations. It’s about finding that balance between challenging ourselves and being kind to ourselves. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Celebrate your progress, learn from your setbacks, and enjoy every step along the way.

You’ve got this, and we’re all in this together. Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments – I’d love to hear how you’re setting and achieving your goals. Or maybe you’ve faced your own consequences of unrealistic expectations? Let’s support each other and keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Further Resources


These books have been invaluable either on my weight loss journey or in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They offer a blend of practical advice, scientific insights, and motivational strategies that have truly made a difference for me:

Mindset & Habit Changes

Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential by Dr Carol Dweck: This book introduced me to the concept of a growth mindset and transformed my approach to challenges. Dr. Dweck’s concept of the growth mindset helped me see setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, which was crucial for staying motivated.

Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success by Angela Duckworth: This book’s exploration of grit – the combination of passion and perseverance – was a game-changer. It taught me that consistent effort and resilience are key to achieving long-term goals, including weight loss.

Atomic Habits by James Clear: These insights into building small, sustainable habits helped me create a healthier lifestyle. His strategies for habit formation were practical and easy to implement, making lasting change achievable.


The Science of Nutrition: Debunk the Diet Myths and Learn How to Eat Well for Health and Happiness by Rhiannon Lambert: Lambert’s book debunked many diet myths and provided clear, evidence-based guidance on nutrition. It helped me make informed choices about what to eat for optimal health.

Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss: This eye-opening book revealed how the food industry manipulates ingredients to make processed foods addictive. It motivated me to make healthier food choices and avoid highly processed items.

More Fuel You: Understanding Your Body & How to Fuel Your Adventures by Renee Mcgregor: McGregor’s expertise in sports nutrition was incredibly helpful. Her advice on how to fuel my body properly for physical activity ensured I had the energy and nutrients needed for my workouts, especially when I got more serious about running and weight training.


Science of Strength Training: Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Transform Your Body by Austin Current: This book provided a deep understanding of how strength training affects the body. Current’s insights helped me improve my workouts for better results.

Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health by Daniel Lieberman: Lieberman’s exploration of the science behind physical activity and rest highlighted the importance of balance. It reinforced the need for both exercise and proper rest in a healthy lifestyle.

The Joy of Movement: How exercise helps us find happiness, hope, connection, and courage by Kelly McGonigal: This book reminded me of the emotional and psychological benefits of exercise. It helped me find joy and motivation in physical activity, making it a positive part of my daily routine.

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